Spike ATGM

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Postitusi: 6221
Liitunud: 26 Juul, 2005 12:09

Re: Spike ATGM

Postitus Postitas kaur3 »

Lõuna-Korea rannakaitse NLOS tegevuses.

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Postitusi: 6221
Liitunud: 26 Juul, 2005 12:09

Re: Spike ATGM

Postitus Postitas kaur3 »

Kevadine uudis sakslaste Spike LR ostu kohta.

1000 raketti = 112,4 miljonit EUR-i.

97 laskeseadelist = 25,6 miljonit

Integreerimine väljaõppesse ja vahenditesse = 20,3 miljonit
The German parliament gave the green light on 22 March for the Bundeswehr to procure 1,000 Israeli-designed Spike LR anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) and 97 corresponding launcher units worth EUR158.3 million (USD172 million) from EuroSpike under the Bundeswehr's multirole guided missile system (MELLS) programme.

The contract breaks down into EUR112.4 million for the missiles themselves, EUR25.6 million for the launchers, and EUR20.3 million for integration into the Bundeswehr's AGDUS laser-based training and simulation system.
http://www.janes.com/article/69097/bund ... e-lr-atgms
Postitusi: 3322
Liitunud: 27 Dets, 2006 20:35
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: Spike ATGM

Postitus Postitas Leo »

Alguses tundus, et tegemist on sakslastel uuesti tekkinud tankihirmu väljendusega, kui ostetakse kiiresti ligi sada uut laskeseadet ja tuhat raketti, kuid kui artiklit tähelepanelikult lugeda, siis on ikka tegemist väga pika vinnaga projektiga, praegu käib siis jutt sellest, et parlament on teinud otsuse hanke kohta, leping allkirjastatakse alles 2018 ja esimesed uued relvad tarnitakse 2020. Laskeseadeldis maksab 264000 € ja iga raketti 112000 €, nii et kilohind on päris soolane.
Postitusi: 1596
Liitunud: 01 Juul, 2014 11:56

Re: Spike ATGM

Postitus Postitas 2korda2 »

Leo kirjutas:Alguses tundus, et tegemist on sakslastel uuesti tekkinud tankihirmu väljendusega, kui ostetakse kiiresti ligi sada uut laskeseadet ja tuhat raketti, kuid kui artiklit tähelepanelikult lugeda, siis on ikka tegemist väga pika vinnaga projektiga, praegu käib siis jutt sellest, et parlament on teinud otsuse hanke kohta, leping allkirjastatakse alles 2018 ja esimesed uued relvad tarnitakse 2020. Laskeseadeldis maksab 264000 € ja iga raketti 112000 €, nii et kilohind on päris soolane.
Paneme siia juurde, et Saksamaa rahvaarv on meist jämedalt 50 korda suurem ja saame tulemuse, kus võrdväärne uudis oleks "Eesti ostab 2 laskeseadeldist". Päris 1:1 ei saa selliseid võrdlusi teha aga ikkagi. Rikkamad on nad ka. Võiksid endale oluliselt rohkem lubada.
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Kapten Trumm
Postitusi: 40142
Liitunud: 28 Juul, 2005 15:35

Re: Spike ATGM

Postitus Postitas Kapten Trumm »

Vast kontekstiga oleks kooskõlas see, kui võtta arvesse suure rahvaarvuga Saksamaa Bundeswehri arvukust (225 tuhat meest), mis on vaid 10 korda suurem kui EKV oma.
Egas rakette osteta rahvaarvule, vaid armeele ja konkreetsetele üksustele.

Miks 50 korda suurema riigi armee on vaid 10 korda suurem, on muidugi ise küsimus.
Uudis, et Eesti ostab 10 Spike ER laskeseadeldist ja 100 raketti oleks täiesti konteksti kohane - nimelt Iisraelist hangitud kahe brigaadi relvanänn sellist kogust keskmaa TT ka sisaldas (Mapats).
/Veelgi hullem on see, et koos kohustusliku patriootliku riigioptimismi kehtestamisega nõrgeneks paratamatult ka meie ohutaju, mis on enesealalhoiuks vältimatult vajalik instinkt/ S. Mikser 2014.
Postitusi: 3322
Liitunud: 27 Dets, 2006 20:35
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: Spike ATGM

Postitus Postitas Leo »

Saksa lasi peale ühinemist ja külma sõja lõppu nii ajateenistuse kui enamiku arsenalist allavett ja tulemused on nüüd näha. Euroopa suurima riigi armee koosseis jääb alla palju väiksematele riikidele ja sellegi tegelik tulejõud on küsitav. Selles kontekstis tuleb ka seda TT rakettide hanget võtta. Lihtsalt hansudel hakkavad laskeseadeldised ja raketid hapuks minema ja need on vaja ümber vahetada. Lugedes raporteid Saksa tegelikust lahingvõimest on asjad veelgi hapumad, nii lennuväest, laevastikust kui ka maaväest on lahinguvõimelised ainult osad üksused, sest ei ole personali ja raha kogu süsteemi pööritamiseks.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 6221
Liitunud: 26 Juul, 2005 12:09

Re: Spike ATGM

Postitus Postitas kaur3 »

Sakslaste Spike-LR ja Marderid.

Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 6221
Liitunud: 26 Juul, 2005 12:09

Re: Spike ATGM

Postitus Postitas kaur3 »

Spike perekond saab täienduse popi loitering funktsiooniga raketi näol.
Manufactured from composites, Firefly’s (80 cm × 80 cm × 400 cm) airframe features retracting rotor blades (with an unfolded span of around 60 cm) which, when not in use, fold along the body of the munition allowing the weapon to fit into a ruggedised canister. The munition is powered by twin electric motors with two co-axially-mounted counter-rotating rotor blades, delivering a loitering duration of 15 minutes at a maximum altitude of around 60 m to stand-off ranges of 1500 m in open terrain, and 500 m in urban terrain. According to Rafael, the system operates effectively in windspeed conditions of up to 23 mph.
http://www.janes.com/article/80629/rafa ... pon-system
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 6221
Liitunud: 26 Juul, 2005 12:09

Re: Spike ATGM

Postitus Postitas kaur3 »

RG vahendab uudist NLOS-i panemise kohta veel väiksema 4-rattalise peale.

https://rg.ru/2018/07/05/v-izraile-razr ... baggi.html

Auto tuleb pöörata rakettidega vastase tuleku suuna peale. Juhtimispulti on võimalik kasutada ka kuni 500 m kauguselt autost.
Pre-focusing is accomplished by the simplified scheme: the crew just turns the machine to the desired enemy side, then the targeting is automatic or under the control of the gunner. Also, the machine has remote control system, allowing the crew to produce fire at a distance up to 500 meters from the car. Installation of new guided missiles spike nlos for a light buggy, according to developers, will give the Israeli army mobile and fairly cheap vehicle that could destroy enemy targets at a distance of 25 kilometers.
http://weaponews.com/news/31006-cheap-a ... ion-o.html

2017. aasta Sõjakooli lõputöö. Vajalik ligipääs andmebaasile.
VALDUR TAMMETS 2017. Kaugmaa tankitõrjeks sobilike positsioonide digitaalne kaardistamine Ida-Virumaal SPIKE-LR näitel Juhendajad: Kapten Kersti Vennik (MA), Major Tõnis Metjer (MA).pdf
Teema valiku põhjendus: Eesti Kaitseväel puudub hetkel kaugmaa tankitõrje relvastus. Major Tõnis Metjeri magistritöös „Kaugmaa tankitõrje vajadus ja arenguvõimalused Eesti Kaitseväes“ JCATS simulatsiooniprogrammi abil teostatud maastikuanalüüs Kirde-Eestis on andnud lähtepunkti sobilike alade mõõtmiseks, kuid esmased analüüsitulemused kaardirakenduses ArcGIS näitavad, et saadud tulemused simulatsiooniprogrammis JCATS ei ole piisavalt detailsed lõplike järelduste tegemiseks. IT-vahendite, sealhulgas GIS-i, kasutamine aitaks säästa planeerimisele ja luurele kuluvat aega. Täna neid vahendeid töös esitatud kujul ei kasutata. Uurimistöö eesmärk: Töö eesmärk on kaardirakenduse ArcGIS abil leida kaugmaa tankitõrjeks sobilikud positsioonid Ida-Virumaal, lähtudes relvasüsteemist SPIKE-LR.
https://ilias.mil.ee/ilias.php?ref_id=5 ... ositorygui
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 6221
Liitunud: 26 Juul, 2005 12:09

Re: Spike ATGM

Postitus Postitas kaur3 »

Pikk venekeelne ülevaade Spike NLOS arenguteest.

Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 6221
Liitunud: 26 Juul, 2005 12:09

Re: Spike ATGM

Postitus Postitas kaur3 »

16.11.2009 sai kirjutatud "Võitlusgrupid - paraadüksus või sissid paberil" Iisraeli Moran ja Meitar üksustest. Eelmise kirja ling all olev pikk lugu räägib Spike NLOS eelkäijast Tamuzist, millega juutide üksused olid varustatud. Lihtsalt minu 2009. a kirja viimase rea spekulatsiooni klaarimiseks.
Разработка ПТУР «Тамуз» дальнего действия с электрооптической (телевизионной) системой наведения началось на «Рафаэль» в середине 70-х гг. Начальная версия имела дальность всего 3 км («Тамуз-1/2»), далее её довели до 6 км («Тамуз-2»). Далее дальность подняли до 8 км (двигатель прекращал работу на 6 км), с пониженными возможностями по управляемости (без резких манёвров) дальность постепенно постепенно подняли до 8.5, 9, 10 и наконец 12 км.
kaur3 kirjutas:Iisraeli Maglan üksusest sai paar lehekülge tagasi kirjutatud. Iisraelis on olemas veel spetsiaalsed TT-patajonid Moran ja Meitar.
Unit Moran and Unit Meitar

Unit Moran and Unit Meitar are the Israeli Defense Force Special Forces (SF) long range anti artillery units, and are part of the IDF Artillery Corps,

Table Of Contents:



Name: Unit Moran (Unit 8899), Unit Meitar (Unit 427).
Mission: long range anti artillery units.
Moran - Mit'zpe Ramon Air Force Base (AFB), South of Israel.
Meitar - Yftach army base, North of Israel.


Dedicated Missile Crews - Israeli Military Industries (IMI) Galil 5.56 Short Assault Rifle (SAR) as a personal weapon, various long rang Anti Tank Guided Missile (ATGM).

Reconnaissance Platoons - CAR15 (the carbine version of the M16A1), M24 Sniper Weapon System (SWS) and IMI Negev Light Machine Gun (LMG).

Training: open field combat, navigation, acquiring and targeting.


In the past two decades the IDF had place a special focus on portable ATGM, especially since the Arab countries surrounding Israel have been procuring state of the art armor, including American M1A Main Battle Tanks (MBT) and artiellry such as MLRS.

At the same time new advanced ATGM guidance technologies like laser guidance, fiber optics and fire and forget, finally became operational. As a result, in 1984 the IDF fromed the first unit out of the two - Uniy Moran.

Unit Moran was based in south of Israel and was designed to engage the Egyptian army in a time of war. It's also the bigger unit out of the two. Unit Meitar was formed in 1994, when a new Tamuz missile platform became operational. Unit Meitar is based in north of Israel and is designed to engage the Syrian armor in the infamous Golan Heights.

Unit Moran and Unit Meitar were built around the capabilities of one advanced weapon - the Tamuz ATGM. At the time the Tamuz was so classified that its very presence affected the entire units' status. In this case, the units were created to fit the weapon not the other way around.

At the time, Unit Moran was probably the most classified SF units in the IDF and was designed as wartime only unit, in order not to expose its missile's technology.


Originally, Unit Moran was an independent SF unit, receiving its orders directly from the General Staff (the IDF High Command - MATKAL). In order to get into the unit, one had to pass a classified, one-day tryout in his drafting week. The unit was so classified that the people trying out for it didn't even know what was the unit exact role until they were already in.

Back then, Unit Moran was considered elite and was treated as such - best equipment, good lifestyle and hand picked personal. All soldiers were issued CAR15, and had red shoes and red beret, same as in many other IDF SF units.

In 1993, as part of an IDF reorganization process, Unit Moran was reassigned under the Artillery Corps in order to better implant the unit in the IDF order of battle. Shortly afterwards, the second unit - Meitar was formed.

In additional to the organizational and operational reasons of the change in Unit Moran status, there was also a political aspect. The Artillery Corps watched helplessly how all other Land Corps in the IDF had their own SF units, while it alone doesn't. Even the Armored Corps had PALSAR 7 and PALSAR 500, and the Combat Engineering Corps had Unit YACHSAP and Sayeret Yael, not to mention, the dozens of other SF units belong to the other corps.

The Artillery Corps had none, nothing to attract high quality personnel with, or to give the soldiers already in the corps a sense of pride and something to look up to. So making Unit Moran as an integral part of the Artillery Corps was a reasonable act, especially since unlike the enlisted man in most other corps, the soldiers in the Artillery Corps are usually not volunteers, but are rather placed their against their will and as a last option, since they couldn't get into an infantry oriented unit because of low physical condition or other problems.

Accordingly, many of the soldiers in the Artillery Corps are low motivated. So, the Artillery Corps figured out that by putting an elite classified unit within it, with the only way of getting into the it was enlisting to the corps, it can get higher quality and more motivated personal since the ones who don't make it into the unit will eventually stay in the regular artillery battalions, bringing up the manpower quality their.

As one can imagine, the transfer didn't go smoothly. Until the placement under the umbrella of the Artillery Corps, the unit was small, with almost no one to answer to, except for the General Staff. Also, like most other elite SF units, the codes of dressing and other forms of military discipline weren't strict. But once the units were shifted under the Artillery Corps command they had to line up with the Artillery Corps more stricter rules - harsh discipline and routine inspections.

Unit Moran personnel even had to change their red shoes and beret to black ones like the rest of the soldiers in the Artillery Corps. Even the weapons were changed from the CAR15 to the IMI Galil SAR, carried by all the Artillery Corps soldiers. However, all these problems mentioned disappeared in a few years, once the soldiers that were present during the transfer, finished their three years mandatory service.

Today, both Unit Moran and Unit Meitar are rather large battalion size units, and part from the reconnaissance elements within them they more resemble an artillery or armor corps then a SF unit.


Today, if someone wants to apply to the units he must first enroll to the Artillery Corps and pass a two-day "Gibush" (selection series), which is held during the first week of the Artillery Corps basic training phase.

This selection method, which is similar to the one used by the IDF Combat Engineering Corps for Unit YACHSAP and Sayeret Yael, is designed to attract high quality personal to the corps, and since just a small number of new recruits will eventually make it into the units, the rest will remain in the Artillery Corps regular battalions and improve the manpower quality.


Each unit is battalion size and composes of three companies:

Two anti tank companies made from Dedicated ATGM Crews ("T'zevet Mokous"/"Yieoudi" in hebrew).

One assisting company which is composed of supply, signals and one Reconnaissance Platoon ("Machleket Siur" in hebrew), which is a Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol (LRRP) platoon. The Reconnaissance Platoon role is to conduct LRRP missions deep within the enemy lines, moving dozens of kilometers ahead of the Dedicated Crews, searching for enemy armor concentrations and delivering back intelligence on the size, structure and type of the enemy armor, as well as targeting data.


As the units' training is extremely expensive and technologically complex, they have a unique completely joint units' training phase. Only after the combined training period is completed, the soldiers are assigned to their permanent units in which they will spend the rest of their service.

The units' training period lasts 13-14 months and consists of:

Three months basic infantry training similar to the rest of the Artillery Corps personnel. After this phase the soldiers are shifted to the units' school and is located in the Mit'zpe Ramon AFB (Wing 25).

The next phase is a two months' advanced infantry training, which focus on navigation and more demanding physical regime, as well as a general familiarization with the units' goals and objectives. Once this phase is completed the soldiers are divided between the Dedicated Crews and the Reconnaissance Platoons. The soldiers selected to the Reconnaissance Platoons are usually the ones who have demonstrated the higher level of physical fitness and better navigation skills during training.

The rest of the training for each team is completely different, pending on each soldier future intended role - reconnaissance or ATGM,

Dedicated Crews

The overall training period for a Dedicated Crew operator is 13 months. Most of it is in classes, learning the complex theory and practice of firing long ranged ATGM. Since the Tamuz missile is very expensive, most of the practicing is done in simulators.

The soldiers first spend hundreds of hours in digitized training. Only after mastering missiles warfare in the computerized environment they are allowed to go into the field and practice on live missiles firing

Reconnaissance Platoons

The overall training period for a Reconnaissance Platoon warrior is 14 months. Most of the training consists of navigation, open field combat, communications and mobile intelligence gathering, as well as a two months course in the IDF Intelligence And Reconnaissance School (MOS), BALISH army base.

After the soldiers complete their training period, they are divided between the two units according to need. Those that are assigned to Unit Meitar are shifted north to their new home base in north of Israel. Those who are reassigned to Unit Moran remain in the same base - the Mit'zpe Ramon AFB and will usually start training the new recruits.


Unit Moran and Unit Meitar are located according to the fronts from which Israel can expect a massive armored attack:

Unit Moran in the south, facing the Egyptian armor in the Sinai desert.

Unit Meitar in the north, facing the Syrian armor in the Golan Heights.

Unit Moran and Unit Meitar are the only SF units in the IDF that are defined as wartime-only units, thus they will only function operationally and engage targets during wartime.

This definition, as wartime only units, is very rare, since most Israeli SF units perform missions on weekly and sometimes even on a daily basis. Since from the creation of the units and until today, Israel hadn't engaged in a full out war, the units have yet to prove their full capability. Meanwhile, they spent their time training and preparing for that war.

This decision was made since the Tamuz is such an advanced missile that its full capability cannot be disclosed until it an absolutely must. If the missile was used in the Lebanon or in the Occupied Territories Low Intensity Conflicts (LIC), at one time or another parts of the missile would have arrive to enemy hands, and the covert nature of the Tamuz capability would have been compromised.

Moreover, the missile is simply too expensive for routine use. The amount of money invested in each missile would justify itself only if Israeli faced an all out regional war.


Personal Weapons

Dedicated Crews - the warriors are issued the standard Artillery Corps primary weapons - the IMI Galil SAR. This is an exception since all other IDF SF units are issued the CAR15.

The Galil SAR two main problems are its low accuracy and its high weight. But since the Dedicated Crews are not likely to go in by foot, or to engage in an infantry combat, these problems are irrelevant. The issuing of the Galil SAR, instead of the CAR15, was done in order to establish a visible connection between the units to the Artillery Corps.

Reconnaissance Platoon - unlike the Dedicated Crews, the Reconnaissance Platoons warriors are most likely to travel by foot, and have a high chance of encountering enemy forces and engaging in an infantry open field combat. So, they are issued the CAR15.

Tamuz Missile

Over the years, Israel was in many cases denied access to the latest in western high-tech military technologies. As a result it was forced to develop almost everything by itself. Today, Israel has a vast and very advanced defense industry, which manufactures a width variety of military hardware - airplanes, ships, tanks and small arms.

One of the fields, in which Israel had excelled, is the missiles area. The Tamuz ATGM used by Unit Moran and Unit Meitar is the very reason for the existence of the units and is the main ATGM used by them. The Tamuz is launched by the Dedicated Crews according to the intelligence and targeting data gathered by the Reconnaissance Platoons.

Most of the information on the Tamuz missile is deemed top secret even today. Only the general data is made publicly known. The Tamuz is a state of the art long-range ATGM. It's the most advanced ATGM of its kind in the world and is made by the Israeli Armament Development Authority (RAFAEL).

The Tamuz has a truly amazing capability. Every few years RAFAEL upgrades the missile and introduce a better version. The current Tamuz has a range of over 30 kilometers and has a hit ratio of almost 100 percents at a tank size target. It is so effective that one Unit Moran or Unit Meitar Company can wipe out an entire enemy armored battalion in minutes.

Since the exact configuration of the Tamuz platforms is considered classified even today, the units have free access to foreign spy satellites routes database gathered by the various Israeli intelligence agencies. Each time such a spy satellite is passing over Israel, all the Tamuz platforms, which are currently in the open, are inserted to the Mit'zpe Ramon AFB hungers, which is one of the main reasons why the units' main base was located in an AFB in the first place. The platforms, which are far from the base in field exercises during the passing of the foreign satellite, are covered with thick, thermal resistance, camouflage networks.
http://www.waronline.org/forum/viewtopi ... torder=asc
Tamuz peaks olema Nimrodi vana nimi.

Spike Soome struktuuris.
In the Finnish Defense Forces (a rather early adopter of the Spike, buying it in 2000) the Spike’s place in the order of battle depends on what unit it’s in. In the large brigades (Prikaati), there is a separate brigade-level ATGM company (Prikaatin panssarintorjuntaohjus komppania) that uses Spikes and TOW-2s. This company serves a similar purpose to the heavy companies of the Bundeswehr, but it is totally dedicated to tank busting.

There are also smaller mechanized ( mekanisoitu taisteluosasto ) and motorized (moottoroitu taisteluosasto) battlegroups that are smaller than the larger Prikaati. Informally, they are called Panssariprikaati Lite. These battlegroups have their own organic AT allowance of four Spikes which are attached to the mechanized infantry companies (Panssarijääkärikomppania). These launchers would are operated by a dedicated AT squad in these companies for a flexible but dispersed anti-tank solution.
https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/ ... sile-26391
Postitusi: 7583
Liitunud: 25 Mär, 2016 21:16

Re: Spike ATGM

Postitus Postitas nimetu »

Spike ER saab uue versiooni, mis pikendab ulatust veelgi.
“With the new RF datalink we retain the fire-and-observe function, with real-time datalink imagery from the seeker now received from out to 16 km.” Rafael will also offer the ER2 with an extended fibre-optic datalink data naval- and surface-launched applications to engage targets at ranges out to 10 km.
https://www.janes.com/article/82673/raf ... -spike-er2
Sellega võiks juba rannikukaitsele mõelda.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 6221
Liitunud: 26 Juul, 2005 12:09

Re: Spike ATGM

Postitus Postitas kaur3 »

Huvitav lugemine ATGM kasutamise ajaloost (sh Nõukogude päritolu trofeerelvad) Iisraeli relvajõududes. Spike loomulikult ka sees.

Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 6221
Liitunud: 26 Juul, 2005 12:09

Re: Spike ATGM

Postitus Postitas kaur3 »

10-leheküljeline ülevaade Spike mudelitest ja kasutajatest inglise keeles.

Postitusi: 7583
Liitunud: 25 Mär, 2016 21:16

Re: Spike ATGM

Postitus Postitas nimetu »

Filipiinlased on otsustanud kasutada Spike rakette merel ja hiljuti teostati demonstratsioonlaskmised.
https://www.janes.com/article/84817/phi ... capability
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