VF toimetab? Infokillud ja uudised, mis mujale ei sobi.

Sõjaväeluure. Ja mitte ainult sõjaväe. Aga KaPo foobiad siia teemasse ei sobi.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 19518
Liitunud: 04 Juul, 2009 12:29

Re: VF toimetab? Infokillud ja uudised, mis mujale ei sobi.

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Euronewsi lugu Norra droonindusest. Droonid, mida on märgatud, kuni 250km kaugusel kaldast, peavad olema kas laevadelt või allveelaevadelt.
Amund Revheim, who heads the North Sea and environment group for Norway's South West Police force, said his team interviewed more than 70 offshore workers who have spotted drones near their facilities.

"The working thesis is that they are controlled from vessels or submarines nearby," Revheim said.

Winged drones have a longer range, but investigators considered credible a sighting of a helicopter-style bladed model near the Sleipner platform, located in a North Sea gas field 250 kilometres from the coast.

Norwegian police have worked closely with military investigators who are analysing marine traffic. Some platform operators have reported seeing Russian-flagged research vessels in close vicinity.

Revheim said no pattern had been established from legal marine traffic, and he is concerned about causing unnecessary, disruptive worry for workers.

But Ulriksen of the naval academy said the distinction between Russian civilian and military ships is narrow, and the reported research vessels could fairly be described as "spy ships".

Støre, the prime minister, warned that Norway would take action against foreign intelligence agencies. "It is not acceptable for foreign intelligence to fly drones over Norwegian airports. Russians are not allowed to fly drones in Norway," he said.

Russia's Embassy in Oslo hit back Thursday, claiming that Norway was experiencing a form of "psychosis" causing "paranoia".

Naval academy researcher thinks that is probably part of the plan.

"Several of the drones have been flown with their lights on," he said. "They are supposed to be observed. I think it is an attempt to intimidate Norway and the West."

The wider concern is that they are part of a hybrid strategy to intimidate and gather information on vital infrastructure, which could later be targeted for sabotage in a potential strike against the West.

"I do not believe we are heading for a conventional war with Russia," Ulriksen said. "But a hybrid war … I think we are already in it."
https://www.euronews.com/2022/10/23/fea ... facilities
Ainus, mida me ajaloost õpime, on see, et keegi ei õpi ajaloost midagi.
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Postitusi: 19518
Liitunud: 04 Juul, 2009 12:29

Re: VF toimetab? Infokillud ja uudised, mis mujale ei sobi.

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Hispaania ja Prantsusmaa avasid uurimise ühe Orkistanist pärit teisitimõtleja tapmiskatse eest
Authorities in #France & #Spain have opened a criminal investigation into Putin's mafia working to assassinate Vladimir Osechkin on European soil. He has been exposing Putin regime crimes both in #Russia and abroad and is the recipient of #FSBletters from #WindofChange.
https://twitter.com/igorsushko/status/1 ... 7895197698
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Postitusi: 19518
Liitunud: 04 Juul, 2009 12:29

Re: VF toimetab? Infokillud ja uudised, mis mujale ei sobi.

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Kaablilõhkujad siis Prantsusmaal
Unknown actors cut internet cables near Marseille, disrupting communications services in French cities and slowing transcontinental #internet speeds. #Cybersecurity firm Zscaler said the cuts impacted cables connecting Asia, Europe and the US.
https://twitter.com/ERIriskfeed/status/ ... 1390707712
Ainus, mida me ajaloost õpime, on see, et keegi ei õpi ajaloost midagi.
Live for nothing or die for something.
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Postitusi: 955
Liitunud: 07 Mär, 2019 13:27

Re: VF toimetab? Infokillud ja uudised, mis mujale ei sobi.

Postitus Postitas AndresTy »

Esialgsete teadmiste valguses pole siiski tegemist VF sabotaažiga.
Imekaunis! Raha eest teen kõike, mida härrad soovivad...
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Postitusi: 19518
Liitunud: 04 Juul, 2009 12:29

Re: VF toimetab? Infokillud ja uudised, mis mujale ei sobi.

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Norras kinni peetud Brasiilia kodanikuna esinenud isik osutus Orkistani illegaaliks. Nüüd õeldi ka õige nimi välja. Võimalik, et eelnevalt välja tulnud lugu Olga Kolobova-Adela Kuhlveldiga-Itaalias tegutsenud illegaaliga oli seotud temaga-tundub, et oli klassiõde. Võimalik, et see professor on koloneli-polkovniku auastmes sõjaväeluure GRU ohvitser.

Norra kohus esitas täna Tromsø Arktika ülikooli töötajale süüdistuse spionaažis ja avaldas tema täisnime. Spiooniks osutus Mihhail Valerjevitš Mikušin, kes sündis 19. augustil 1978. aastal. Ta esines 1984. aastal sündinud Brasiilia kodanikuna José Assis Giammariana ja on viimastel aastatel edukalt töötanud Norra Tromsø ülikoolis. Insider ja Bellingcat suutsid kinnitada Mikušini seotust GRU-ga ning samal ajal uurisid tema elulugu, jõudes järeldusele, et "professor" tegi kõik, et ebaõnnestuda.

Juba enne, kui norralased Mikušini pärisnime avaldasid, uskusid The Insider ja Bellingcat, et tegemist on Mihhaili-nimelise GRU ohvitseriga. Pseudoprofessor jättis selliseks järelduseks piisavalt digitaalseid jälgi.
Nii näiteks kasutasid parooli, mida ta oma ülikoolikonto jaoks kasutas, mitmed teised inimesed – ja nende kontode hulgas kuulusid kaks kindlasti talle, kuna need sisaldasid tema Brasiilia nime. Aga teised kaks olid huvitavad, sest olid registreeritud Venemaa aadressidel. Üks on agrandefamilia@mail. ru - viitas Brasiilia sarjale ja ilmselt kuulus ka talle ning teine ​​- mika-invasor @ rambler. ru - andis märku, et omaniku nimi on Michael. Invasor on portugali keelest tõlgitud kui "sissetungija" – Mikušini paljastamiseks oli vaja vaid selja taga lohisevat langevarju.

Ja kui äkki keegi ei arva, et "sissetungija Mihhail" on täpselt tema, kasutas Mikushin teist parooli ... Sisaldab tema perekonnanime.
Ilmselt kasutas Mikushin mika-invasori meilikontot väga pikka aega, kuna ta valiti LiveJournali (nüüdseks kustutatud ja säilitamata) ja ICQ loomiseks.
Insideril ja Bellingcatil õnnestus saada Miushini juhiloast foto, mis võimaldas kinnitada, et Mikushin ja professor Giammaria on sama isik.

Nagu The Insider selgitas, on Mihhail Mikušin sündinud Jekaterinburgis, elanud Malõševa tänaval ja lõpetanud 1994. aastal keskkooli. 26-aastaselt kolis ta Moskvasse, kus elas GRU sõjaväediplomaatilise akadeemia (VDA) ohvitseride ühiselamus aadressil: st. Rahvamiilits, maja 52, bldg. 4, apt. 45. Sellesse ühiselamuhoonesse on registreeritud GRU ohvitserid, keda koolitatakse ACA 1. teaduskonnas (GRU ohvitseride koolitamine välismaale diplomaatilise katte all luureohvitserina ja illegaalsete immigrantidena). Tuleb märkida, et sellesse ACA teaduskonda võetakse ohvitserid, kes ei ole madalamad kui kapten ja kes oskavad juba võõrkeelt (Mikushini puhul oli see portugali keel). Väga võimalik, et Olga Kolobova (Adela Kuhveld) oli tema klassivend, sest nad on ühevanused.

2006. aastal lõpetas Mikušin akadeemia ja suutis hankida Brasiilia passi põhjusel, et tal on väidetavalt Brasiilia ema (GRU illegaalsete immigrantide klassikaline trikk, mida Adela Kuhveldina esitlenud Olga Kolobova oli juba varem teinud. millest kirjutati The Insideris, prooviti edutult kasutada). Samal aastal ostis ta endale Moskvas Novokurkinskoje maanteel korteri ja jäi ilmselt mõneks ajaks Moskvasse.
Olles juba kogenud gereushnik, avas Mikushin 2010. aastal pärisnime all VKontakte lehe, määras Ostap Benderi kasutajapildiks ja kirjeldas tema seisukohti kui "ülikonservatiivseid".

Huvitav on see, et Mihhaili vend Ivan Mikušin mitte ainult ei jaga tema "ultrakonservatiivseid" seisukohti, vaid on ka veendunud opositsionäär, osales 2011. aasta meeleavaldustel, annetas Navalnõile ja osales Targal hääletusel.
2011. aastal oli Mikushin ilmselgelt juba legendi jaoks portugali keeles üsna osavaks saanud ja läks Kanadasse Calgary ülikooli õppima (võõra kõrva jaoks on vene ja portugali aktsendid väga sarnased).

Ilmselt jätkas ta sarnaselt Kolobovaga Venemaale käimist (kuigi nõukogude ajal oli see illegaalsete immigrantide jaoks mõeldamatu). Igatahes 2015. aasta juunis uuendas ta Venemaal juhiluba ja paar kuud hiljem tegi ta Kanadas Uue Demokraatliku Partei kampaaniat.
2020. aastal oli ta taas Venemaal, ostis elektrilise rolleri ega olnud arvustuse kirjutamiseks liiga laisk.
Mõnda aega tegeles Mikušin Kanadas “uurimistööga” ja avaldas 2019. aastal isegi artikli, milles põhjendas uute sõjaväebaaside vajadust Arktikas. 2021. aastal saabus Mikushin Norrasse Tromsø ülikooli uurimisprogrammi, mis hõlmas muu hulgas "hübriidohtude" uurimist. Kuid tema tormiline tegevus ei piirdunud Norraga. Näiteks osales ta vaid kuu aega tagasi Vilniuses EL-i toel korraldatud “hübriidsõjale” pühendatud koolitusel.
Üks koolituse teemadest oli näiteks “kuidas reageerida Nord Streami gaasijuhtme sabotaaži korral” – ja tõepoolest Kremli jaoks väga aktuaalne teema.

Teisipäeval, 25. oktoobril peeti Mikušin teel ülikooli kinni. Tema advokaadile öeldi, et nad kavatsevad ta riigist välja saata. Vaevalt on aga Venemaale väljasaatmine võimalik, kui Mikušinit Moskvas Venemaa kodanikuna ei tunnistata. Venemaa saatkond on seni süüdistusi vihaselt tagasi lükanud, süüdistades Norrat spioonimaanias.
https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2022/08 ... -in-italy/
It was the Oslo-based newspaper VG together with investigative journalist network Bellingcat that revealed the man’s link to Russia’s military intelligence, the GRU.
Bellingcat believes he at least holds the rank of Colonel with Russia’s military intelligence.
https://thebarentsobserver.com/en/secur ... mikhail-44
A researcher at the investigative website Bellingcat said that evidence suggested that Mikushin is a senior Russian military intelligence officer.
“Great job, Norway, you’ve caught yourself a colonel from the GRU [Russia’s military intelligence agency],” Christo Grozev tweeted.
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/ ... are_btn_tw
Ainus, mida me ajaloost õpime, on see, et keegi ei õpi ajaloost midagi.
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Postitusi: 6221
Liitunud: 26 Juul, 2005 12:09

Re: VF toimetab? Infokillud ja uudised, mis mujale ei sobi.

Postitus Postitas kaur3 »

Kõrgetasemeline Euroopa poliitik kui pikaaegne Vene tööriist.

https://www-nrc-nl.translate.goog/nieuw ... x_tr_hl=en
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Postitusi: 19518
Liitunud: 04 Juul, 2009 12:29

Re: VF toimetab? Infokillud ja uudised, mis mujale ei sobi.

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Sarnane teema eelnevaga. Orkistani kodanik EL-i stuktuurides ja parteide juhtkondade tagatubades toimetamas.

The French part of the delegation was led by Thierry Mariani, the former centre-right MP (2012-2017) and, earlier, minister of transport (2010-2012), who joined the far-right National Rally in 2019 and was elected as an MEP that year.

Mariani had been engaged in various types of pro-Kremlin activities for many years, and, in particular, illegally travelled to annexed Crimea several times since 2015.

Mariani was accompanied by a 30-year old woman, his policy advisor in the European Parliament.

Meet Tamara Volokhova

She was perhaps the most intriguing passenger of the Severstal plane: a Russian citizen, but another manifestation of how Russia keeps infiltrating the European Parliament with the use of the European far right.

Her name is Tamara Volokhova. Hailing from Rostov-on-Don in southern Russia, she moved to Strasbourg at the end of the 2000s to study communication and public relations at the European Communication School.

A model, Volokhova undertook an internship at the European audiovisual observatory of the Council of Europe in 2012, before moving to an internship at the directorate-general for communication at the European Parliament in 2013.

The following year she was a parliamentary attaché intern with the right-wing, eurosceptic Europe of Freedom and Democracy group, co-chaired by then Ukip leader Nigel Farage and Italian far-right League party member Francesco Speroni.

In 2014, after the May European parliamentary elections, Volokhova got an employment contract as a parliamentary attaché to work with Aymeric Chauprade, then a member of the French far-right National Front (FN), Le Pen's advisor on international relations, and a darling of the Russian state-controlled media.

With the re-organisation of the ENF group into the Identity and Democracy (ID) group in summer 2019, Volokhova joined the ID's secretariat and started working with pro-Moscow MEP Thierry Mariani.

Even more conveniently for Moscow, Volokhova received access to the European Parliament's committee on foreign affairs, as well as its security and defence sub-committee

Curiously, when Chauprade was still an MEP and sat on these two committees, he had, for a few months, a different Russian intern: Elizaveta Peskova, a daughter of Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

As an intern, Peskova did not have access to any sensitive information, at least officially.

However, as a policy advisor, Volokhova received full access to everything related to the workings of the two above-mentioned committees and other offices in the European Parliament.
Ainus, mida me ajaloost õpime, on see, et keegi ei õpi ajaloost midagi.
Live for nothing or die for something.
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Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 19518
Liitunud: 04 Juul, 2009 12:29

Re: VF toimetab? Infokillud ja uudised, mis mujale ei sobi.

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Kremli mobilisatsiooni eest põgenenute hulgas on selgelt ka luuretöötajaid, kes tegelevad UKR suunalise abi saboteerimisega
Russians who have "escaped" mobilization are now actively sabotaging both military and civilian aid to Ukraine in allied countries.
https://twitter.com/SarahAshtonLV/statu ... 1614110721
Ainus, mida me ajaloost õpime, on see, et keegi ei õpi ajaloost midagi.
Live for nothing or die for something.
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Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 19518
Liitunud: 04 Juul, 2009 12:29

Re: VF toimetab? Infokillud ja uudised, mis mujale ei sobi.

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Rootsist saadi kätte orkidest abiellupaar, kes tegeles kahtlustuse kohaselt Orkistani luure heaks üle 10 aasta.
Rootsi julgeolekupolitsei Säpo kahtlustab, et Stockholmi piirkonna villade eeslinnas vaikset elu elanud vene abielupaar spioneeris kümme aastat välisriigi heaks. Täna varahommikul toimus helikopteritega Black Hawk erioperatsioon ja paar vahistati.

Mees ja naine kolisid Venemaalt Rootsi ühel ajal veidi enne aastatuhande vahetust, vahendab ajaleht Aftonbladet.

Kõigepealt elasid nad korteris, aga alates mõne aasta tagusest ajast on nad elanud korralikus villas Stockholmi piirkonnas.

„Nad on nagu kõik teised, mõnikord me tervitame neid,“ rääkis naaber.

Teise naabri sõnul hoidis paar omaette.

„Nad ei ole eriti jutukad, aga on meeldivad. Nad naeratavad ja ütlevad tere, aga ei ole eriti seltskondlikud.“

Täna hommikul lõhestasid selle rahu kaks helikopterit Black Hawk, mis hõljusid piirkonna kohal õhus, ja Rootsi rahvusliku eriüksuse mehed laskusid abielupaari villa aeda.

Säpo kahtlustab, et mees on spioneerinud välisriigi heaks umbes kümme aastat. Kahtlustatakse, et ta on spioneerinud kolmanda riigi järel, kasutades Rootsit baasina, selgub kohtu dokumentidest.

Naist kahtlustatakse kogu selle perioodi jooksul kaasosalisena tegutsemises.

Paar tegeles Rootsis muu hulgas elektroonikakomponentide ja tööstustehnika impordi- ja eksporditegevusega. Käive oli üle 30 miljoni krooni (2,7 miljoni euro) aastas.

Aftonbladeti andmetel kahtlustatakse meest ettevõtte kasutamises baasina ebaseaduslikuks luuretegevuseks.
https://www.delfi.ee/artikkel/120102938 ... abielupaar
Ainus, mida me ajaloost õpime, on see, et keegi ei õpi ajaloost midagi.
Live for nothing or die for something.
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Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 19518
Liitunud: 04 Juul, 2009 12:29

Re: VF toimetab? Infokillud ja uudised, mis mujale ei sobi.

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Eelmise Rootsi juhtumi osas ei oskagi muud õelda, kui tegu on amatööridega. Orkistanist lahkudes oli nende elukohaks märgitud sama aadress, kus hetkel elavad ka teised olulised GRU luurajad, kes on erinevate sündmustega pilti jäänud. Skripali mürgitajate elukoht näiteks.

Bellingcati uurimistöö tuvastas, et:

Sel nädalal vahistati viimased 20 aastat Rootsis elanud vene abielupaar, kelle abikaasat peeti kinni kahtlustatuna Vene luureteenistuses töötamises. @christogrozev tegid mõned kaevamised ja tegid huvitavaid avastusi nende Moskva naabrite kohta.

Mees, naine ja pereliige registreeriti Moskvas Zorge tn 36 asuva korteri omanikeks 1999. aasta oktoobris. Pole selge, kas nad kunagi selles korteris elasid, sest paar kolis varsti pärast seda Rootsi.

See hoone on täis huvitavaid elanikke. Rootsis vahistatud paari korterinumber on 282 ja otse koridori all on korter 288, Skripalide mürgitamises kahtlustatava kolmanda Denis Sergejevi kodu.

Samas majas elab ka GRU üksuse 29155 juht kindralmajor Andrei Averjanov, kes tegeles salajase sabotaaži ja mõrvaga, mitme relvalao plahvatuste ja mürgitamiste, sealhulgas Skripali ja Emelian Gebrevi mürgitamise taga.

GRU desinformatsioonioperatsioonidega seotud kindralmajor Andrei Iltšenko elab samuti samas kortermajas koos paljude teiste üksuse 29155 liikmetega. Varem seostasime Iltšenkot "sõltumatu" Bonanza Media tegevusega.

Rootsi ringkonnakohtu ja politsei dokumentide kohaselt alustas Rootsis kinni peetud abikaasa (alloleval pildil) luuretegevust USA vastu 2013. aastal ja seejärel 2014. aasta juulis Rootsi vastu.

Paarile kuulus Rootsis mitmeid ettevõtteid, sealhulgas ettevõtteid, mis tegelesid laeva- ja lennukiseadmete, arvutite ja IT-teenuste, programmiarenduse ja kommertsprojektide rahastamisega.

Mitu aastat kontrollis ühte neist ettevõtetest tegelikult pensionil olev GRU kolonel Küprosel asuva ettevõtte kaudu. Praegu 70. eluaastates mees lubas end paari aasta eest täisnime all intervjueerida raamatus "ГРУ. Поединок с черными половекнами"

Aastaid varem ilmus tema nimi USA-s: 1983. aastal senatis toimunud ärakuulamisel palus üks senaator, et talle esitataks nimekiri kõigist Nõukogude diplomaatidest, kes aastatel 1974–1983 spionaaži tõttu riigist välja saadeti. kõik riigid üle maailma.

Paaril on ka perekondlik side Rootsi luure endise juhiga. Mees töötas mitu aastat sõjaväelise julgeoleku ja luureteenistuse MUST juhina. Perekondlik side paari ja endise MUST bossi vahel tekkis pärast pensionile jäämist.
https://twitter.com/EliotHiggins/status ... 4669906949

Lisaks Norra ajalehe VG artikkel
https://www-vg-no.translate.goog/nyhete ... x_tr_hl=et

1983 avalikustatud 1973-1983 väljasaadetud NSVL-i luurajate nimekirjas on ka Eesti nimi-Peeter Lillenurm, kes saadeti Kanadast välja 1978 aastal
Many years earlier, his name appeared in the United States: During a hearing in the Senate in 1983, a senator asked to be presented with a list of all Soviet diplomats who, in the period 1974 to 1983, had been expelled for espionage, from all countries throughout the world
https://twitter.com/EliotHiggins/status ... 5145286656
Wiki teab ka selle kohta
Kanada (Ottawa) saatkonnas konsulaarosakonnas: saatkonna teine sekretär ja konsulaarosakonna juhataja Mihhail Murnikov, Voldemar Veber, kolmas sekretär Gennadi Samsonov, Peeter Lillenurm (Ottawa saatkonna teine sekretär[9]) (Kanada valitsus teatas 9. veebruaril 1978, et 11 Nõukogude diplomaati saadetakse maalt välja ja kahel keelatakse Kanadasse tagasipöördumine. Nad kõik olid segatud katsetesse infiltreeruda Kanada vastuluuresse sh Veber ja Lillenurm)[10];
https://et.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eesti_NSV ... 1._osakond

Soome SUPO kommentaarid
Finland's Security Intelligence Police Supo says that it is probable that spies operate under false identities in all the Nordic countries. 

This week the Swedish intelligence service Säpo detained a Russian couple (siirryt toiseen palveluun) on suspicion of aggravated illegal espionage against Sweden and other states. 

Säpo has not said which third country was targeted, and Supo has not said if the third country might be Finland. 

EDIT 28.11.2022
Nimed ka seltsimeestel avalikuks tulnud

Rootsis spionaažis Vene eriteenistuste heaks kahtlustatuna vahistatud abielupaaril on korter Moskvas samas majas, kus elavad paljud sõjaväeluure GRU kõrged tegelased, kirjutas Twitteris Bellingcati asutaja Eliot Higgins, viidates oma uurivale kolleegile Hristo Grozevile.

Varem on teatatud, et arvatavad Vene spioonid vahistati Stockholmi rikkas eeslinnas 22. novembril. Ajaleht Expressen avaldas ka nende nimed. Tegemist on 59-aastase Sergei Skvortsovi ja 58-aastase Jelena Kulkovaga, kes on Rootsis elanud alates 1997. aastast ja on lisaks Venemaa kodakondsusele saanud ka Rootsi oma. Stockholmi ringkonnakohtu andmetel tegelesid nad spionaažiga alates 2013. aastast, vahendab Meduza.
https://www.delfi.ee/artikkel/120105568 ... u-tootajad
Ainus, mida me ajaloost õpime, on see, et keegi ei õpi ajaloost midagi.
Live for nothing or die for something.
Kui esimene kuul kõrvust mõõda lendab, tuleb vastu lasta.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 19518
Liitunud: 04 Juul, 2009 12:29

Re: VF toimetab? Infokillud ja uudised, mis mujale ei sobi.

Postitus Postitas ruger »

Orkide sõjaväediplomaatide (GRU luurajate) akadeemia 14. korruselisse ühiselamusse Moskvas on sisse kirjutatud paljude luurajate naised. Samuti on Insider leidnud neist hulgaliselt huvipakkuvaid nimesid.



"Managers of state companies" and "professors"

And others...

The fourteen-story house of illegal immigrants is located next to other officer dormitories near the building of the Military Diplomatic Academy of the GRU (VDA). Since its construction in 1975, it has been home to thousands of families of GRU officers who, first on the instructions of the CPSU, and then the leadership of "democratic" Russia, spied around the world. Most of the residents studied at the 1st faculty of the ACA, where they train illegal immigrants and intelligence officers under diplomatic cover (“ jackets ”, “undercovers” in intelligence slang), or at the 2nd faculty (undercover-operational intelligence) for further service abroad in the military attaches.

After the flight to the West in 1991, an employee of the Vienna residency of the GRU, Alexander Krapiva, who “leaked” the methods of conspiracy of military intelligence to the Americans, in the high-rise building they began to officially register mainly the wives of ACA students (the majority were already married when they entered the ACA). Since then, this house has been jokingly nicknamed the "Women's House". For the sake of appearance, the wives were assigned to the housing and communal office of the VDA, while the future intelligence officers themselves lived with their families during their studies, but were registered in officer dormitories on the streets of Marshal Biryuzov, Svoboda, Khoroshevskoye Highway, in Volokolamsky passage and the village of Zagoryansky (Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region) .


For example, a children's teacher Natalya Tsarikova was registered in the Women's House, who wrote a manual for parents "Growing up as a culture." Her husband Igor Tsarikovin 1993 he graduated from the Novosibirsk Higher Military-Political Combined Arms School (NVVPOU). Unlike other political officers who fell under mass layoffs in the 90s, Tsarikov was fluent in English and German, and he was invited to the GRU. After studying at the 1st faculty of the ACA, the "jacket" was seconded to the 3rd European Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, which oversees Austria, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Poland, Slovakia, Germany, the Czech Republic and Switzerland. And five years ago, the post of official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry on refugees from Syria was created specifically for Tsarikov. "Diplomat" Tsarikov speaks a lot on the situation in the refugee camps and accuses the US and its allies of double standards.

Igor Tsarikov

The Zhemchuzhnikov family is listed as the neighbors of the Tsarikovs in the Women's House. The head of the family , Sergei Zhemchuzhnikov , was born in Kharkov, was previously a representative of the GRU in Tajikistan, and now serves under the cover of the 1st Secretary in the Interests Section of the Russian Federation at the Swiss Embassy in Georgia. As is known, after the events in South Ossetia in August 2008, Georgia severed diplomatic relations with Russia, and Switzerland took over the representation of Moscow's interests. The Interest Section operates in the building of the Russian Consulate in Tbilisi and has 13 members. In 2012, a tragedy struck the Zhemchuzhnikov family: during a relay race at the Novoperedelkino school, their 15-year-old son Denis died of cardiac arrest. According to TV report"Vesti-Moscow", the teenager could still be saved, but the ambulance arrived with broken equipment.

Before Lieutenant Colonel Zhemchuzhnikov, the post of 1st Secretary in Tbilisi was held by another graduate of the Military Aviation Administration - Colonel Evgeny Shipilov , who had previously served in the 175th communications control brigade in the Rostov Region (military unit 01957), and then spying under the roof of a diplomat in Lithuania. Coincidentally, Shipilov's name disappeared from the section's website immediately after Swiss intelligence chief Jean-Philippe Gaudin's visit to Moscow last year, during which he met with Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev. According to official information, between Patrushev and Godin "an exchange of views took place on the issues of countering the coronavirus infection and issues of strategic stability and bilateral cooperation in the field of security." Meanwhile, a source in the Georgian parliament told The Insider that the main purpose of Gaudin’s visit “was not the pandemic, but the situation with Shipilov, who was identified by our counterintelligence. The guy completely lost the coast and behaved like at home. As you can see, Patrushev and Godin came to a compromise: Shipilov, who had become "embarrassed", was sent back to Moscow, and Lieutenant Colonel Zhemchuzhnikov was sent in his place.

Six women from the Women's House had their husbands seconded to the Ministry of Economic Development. Representative offices of the Ministry of Economic Development are located in 58 foreign countries - and in almost every one of them there are "roofers" from the GRU who are engaged in "establishing trade relations." Of the six seconded, there is information about only two.

The first is Sergey Sikachev . He graduated from the A. S. Popov Naval Institute of Radio Electronics in St. Petersburg, and then worked as an adviser at the Consulate of the Russian Federation in San Francisco. In 2017, US authorities closed the consulate, calling it a spy nest.

The second is Sergey Bublikov . Apparently, he was not the last person in the Balkan residency of the GRU. In 2006, he worked in Bulgaria under the guise of a trade representative of the Russian Federation. Shortly before the GRU-organized coup attempt in Montenegro in 2016, Bublikov was transferred to this country, and he served as an adviser to the Russian ambassador.

There is a video on YouTube in which, three months before the arrests of the conspirators, he met with the leader of the local Night Wolves, Vukoman Bulatovich, and pro-Kremlin Cossacks. When the coup d'état failed, Bublikov was again returned to Bulgaria to the trade mission. However, in March 2022, the Bulgarian authorities accused him of espionage and expelled him from the country.

Bublikov's meeting with pro-Kremlin movements on the eve of the coup attempt

In the process of studying at the ACA, some did not pull the upcoming career of an illegal immigrant - such were transferred to the faculty of military attaches, but left in a hostel. Indeed, many residents of the hostel on the street. People's Militia - wives of military attachés. This formally diplomatic position is de facto always occupied by the GER. So, a graduate of the Leningrad Combined Arms Military School, Nikolai Tsybulya , served in the Marine Corps in Sevastopol, where he was spotted by a recruiter from the GRU. After studying at the 2nd faculty of the ACA, Tsybulya was sent as a military attache to South Africa, then to Nigeria. Now a former marine, he is an attaché in Ethiopia. Another attaché, Pavel Anisov , serves at the Russian Embassy in Mongolia.

Colonel Igor Shcherbakov previously dealt with military issues in Switzerland, and now his name is listed on the website of the Russian embassy in Armenia. It was not possible to find out where Sergei Makhovnev is now serving , but he was previously a military representative in the United States and Mexico. But the assistant air force attache at the Russian Embassy in the Czech Republic, Viktor Budyak , was added to the list of persona non grata in 2021 and expelled from the country.

Among the residents of the Women's Home there are two dozen underage children whose fathers studied espionage at the ACA. Moreover, the names of the parents among the residents of the house are absent. One of them is Sofia Solomasova, born in 2010. Her father, Sergei Solomasov , for the purpose of conspiracy, was registered in an officer's hostel in the north of Moscow. Until 2017, he served as a military attache in France, and now he has settled in Slovakia.

Solomasov as military attaché

In March of this year, Slovak counterintelligence posted online video footage showing Solomasov recruiting freelance journalist Hlavné správy Bogusz Barbara and offering him 1,000 euros to lift: “We need to drink together, talk. Have frank conversations. I need political information about relations between countries, within NATO, the European Union. Can you do that?" Solomasov is interested.

GRUshnik Solomasov is trying to buy a journalist for 1000 euros

"Managers of state companies" and "professors"

Immediately, several husbands of the hostel residents were assigned to large state corporations. For example, Dmitry Kandyba and Sergey Shikhovets are registered in Rosatom. Kandyba works as an adviser, and Shikhovets works for the uranium mining company Atomredmetzoloto, which is part of this state corporation. Before becoming an “atomic engineer”, Shikhovets graduated from the Ryazan Higher Command School, fought in Chechnya, and after studying at the “Oriental Faculty” of the ACA, he was sent as a “cover” to China and Japan.

After the academy, Mikhail Koreshkov taught at the GRU training center in the village of Zagoryansky (military unit 36360), and then he was sent to the Pipe Metallurgical Company (TMK). The company is one of the top three global pipe manufacturers and has branches in Romania, the Czech Republic, China, the United Arab Emirates, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. In which of the branches Koreshkov spied, one can only guess.

And a dormitory resident with a rare name, Sever Ivanov , graduated from the Department of Foreign Information of the Military University of the Ministry of Defense (VUMO), from where many graduates go straight to the GRU, SVR and FSB. And now he works for the Zarubezhneft-dobycha company.

Another seconded to state corporations, Vladimir Marchenko , also first graduated from VUMO, and then he was invited to the GRU. In 1994, under the guise of a promising Russian businessman, he was sent to the Dutch Maastricht, where he studied under the MBA program of the International Institute of Management. And further on, Officer Marchenko's track record includes: General Director of Avrora Capital LLC, Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of JSCB Gazprombank, Member of the Board of Directors of Avrora Oil LLC, President of Pan African Metals Corporation (Switzerland), Vice President of AK ALROSA (supervised the company's activities in Africa), and since January 2018 - Deputy General Director of AK ALROSA.

Vladimir Marchenko portrays an effective manager

The African countries are supervised by the 4th Directorate of the GRU, and the Quartet employees played an important role in organizing the Russia-Africa summits. Moreover, according to The Insider's source in military intelligence, some officials began to cooperate with the GRU back in the days of the Soviet Union.

Vladimir Putin at a summit organized by the GRU

Other "jackets" from the hostel settled in educational institutions where there are direct contacts with foreign universities.

For example, students of the Moscow State Regional University (MGOU) do not even realize that Valery Makarchenko , adviser to the rector's office for international affairs , worked for a long time in the Munich residency of the GRU. After returning to Moscow, he established the Center for German Language and Culture, but the business had to be curtailed due to the pandemic. Meanwhile, Makarchenko did not lose ties with Bavaria and, until the closure of borders with the EU, constantly organized visits to Moscow by German officials, professors and students.

GRUshnik Valery Makarchenko as a teacher

Despite the conspiracy, several residents from the Women's House were identified by the SBU, and they were included in various black lists or the Peacemaker base. For example, the former GRU representative in Transnistria Arkady Verkhoglyadov , adviser to the Russian ambassador to Iran Mikhail Kushinsky , combat helicopter specialist Evgeny Arshaninov and Gennady Kutyin from the GRU intelligence center on the street. Matrosskaya Silence (military unit 46188). Among the uncovered residents , a woman is also listed - junior sergeant Elena Bushina from military unit 58147-3.

The Insider was able to find out the biographies of two more ACA ladies' home residents. Sergey Krasnobryzhiy works as a seller of light helicopters and runs between Ukraine and Canada. And Nikolai Chernov is considered in the GRU a great specialist in Southeast Asia.

By the way, his son Timothy is engaged in parallel imports from China and Turkey:

“For a long time you did your business with Europe and the USA, but due to recent events, importing goods, transferring currencies, concluding contracts with these countries has become either impossible or extremely problematic. Our company offers you assistance in resolving this issue by importing through Turkey. The scheme is simple. Turkish legal a person buys your goods - we organize logistics - re-export of goods - shipment to Russia, ” the son of a geraushnik advertises his opportunities.

While his father is in charge of the GRU for Southeast Asia, Chernov Jr. has established parallel imports from China and Turkey, bypassing sanctions

As The Insider found out, there are irreparable losses among the former residents of the Women's Home. One of the dropouts is a graduate of the 3rd faculty of the ACA (operational-tactical intelligence) Alexander Pukhkan . He was born in Riga in the family of a soldier of the Soviet army and studied at the Minsk Suvorov School. Then there was a move to Russia, service in the Separate Reconnaissance Company of the Airborne Forces in Ivanovo (military unit 65391) and the 45th Airborne Special Forces Regiment in Kubinka (military unit 28337). According to some reports, Pukhkan commanded a GRU sabotage group in Syria, Crimea and Donbass, and in 2015 he died unexpectedly from a stroke.

Curiously, Pukhkan has a younger brother Dmitry, who went the other way. After graduating from the Kaluga and Moscow theological schools, he was sent to Kyiv at the disposal of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), where he made a successful spiritual career and rose to the rank of archimandrite. A year ago, by the decision of the Holy Synod of the UOC, Archimandrite Anthony (Pukhkan) was elected bishop of the Korsun-Shevchenkovsky Cherkasy diocese. It should be noted that after the Russian aggression against Ukraine, hard times have come for the UOC, which is under the patronage of the Moscow Patriarchate: for the majority of parishioners, the ambivalent position of the leadership of the UOC caused at least bewilderment, criminal cases were opened against several dozen priests for collaborationism, and the SBU conducted searches in some churches and monasteries.
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Re: VF toimetab? Infokillud ja uudised, mis mujale ei sobi.

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ДШРГ Русич
https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A0% ... %BF%D0%B0)

Otsib Baltimaades OSINT kaastöötajaid ja kogub luureinfot. Avaldas vene k. ressurssides täna järgmise üleskutse:
Head Balti riikides (Leedu, Läti, Eesti) elavad meie kanali tellijad, palume teil anonüümselt jagada teavet järgmiste, ajutiste vabariikide territooriumil asuvate objektide kohta, näiteks:

- Sõjaväeosad. Soovitavalt koos väeosa numbri, teadaoleva spetsialiseerumisega, tehnikaga, töötajate ja teenistujate teadaolevate isikuandmetega, nende ametikohtadega, töötajate ja teenistujate sugulaste andmetega (kui need on teada), isikliku sõiduvahendi andmetega (sõidukimargid, reg.numbrid, auto värv).

- Piirivalve postide asukohad, valvekaamerad, andmed patrullide liikumise kohta Balti riikide riigipiiridel, nii ametialaste kui ka isiklike sõidukite andmed, kui need on olemas.

- Sidemastide asukoht piirilähedastel aladel, turvasüsteemid, kui need on teada.

- Piirilähedastel aladel asuvate kütusehoidlate koordinaadid, nende kaitsesüsteem ja info valve kohta.

Teave saata ........
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Postitusi: 19518
Liitunud: 04 Juul, 2009 12:29

Re: VF toimetab? Infokillud ja uudised, mis mujale ei sobi.

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Orkid tahtsid lisaks Butile veel kätte saada ka Saksamaal vangis olevat endist sõjaväelast, kes hukkas Gruusia kodaniku 2019 aastal

Russia refused to release Paul Whelan alongside Brittney Griner unless a former colonel from Russia’s domestic spy organization currently in German custody was also released as part of any prisoner swap, US officials told CNN, even as the US offered up the names of several other Russian prisoners in US custody that they would be willing to trade.

The US was unable to deliver on the request for the ex-colonel, Vadim Krasikov, because he is serving out a life sentence for murder in Germany.

CNN first reported exclusively in August that the Russians had requested that Krasikov be released along with Viktor Bout, a Russian arms dealer who was serving a 25-year sentence in the US, in exchange for Whelan and Griner.

US officials made quiet inquiries to the Germans about whether they might be willing to include Krasikov in the trade, a senior German government source told CNN earlier this year. But ultimately, the US was not able to secure Krasikov’s release. The German government was not willing to seriously consider including Krasikov –who assassinated a Georgian citizen in broad daylight in Berlin in 2019 – in a potential trade, the German source said.

The US made several other offers to the Russians, sources said, to try to get them to agree to include Whelan in the swap. Among the names floated by the US was Alexander Vinnik, a Russian national extradited to the US in August on allegations of money laundering, hacking and extortion. The US also offered to trade Roman Seleznev, a convicted Russian cyber-criminal currently serving a 14-year sentence in the US, sources said.

A lawyer for Seleznev did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Frédéric Bélot, a lawyer who represented Vinnik in France before his extradition to the US, told CNN on Friday that he was not aware of any current discussions between Moscow and Washington over including Vinnik in a potential prisoner swap.

But Bélot said he could see Vinnik being part of prisoner swap negotiations in the future.

“They [Vinnik and Whelan] make part of the possible ‘candidates’ for the next swap,” Bélot said in a text message to CNN.

Since Vinnik’s extradition to the US in August, Bélot has appealed directly to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to help secure Vinnik’s release from US custody.

But ultimately, the Russians indicated they would only be willing to trade someone they considered to be a spy – Whelan, who was convicted on espionage charges in 2019 – for one of Russia’s own spies: Krasikov.

Whelan talks will continue because Russians have 'things they want,' US official says

The National Security Council declined to comment. A senior Biden administration official acknowledged to CNN on Thursday night that the Russian side had repeatedly demanded someone not even in US custody, even as the US made a number of different proposals. In the end, the Russians kept asking for the same thing that the US could simply not deliver on, the official said

“We have shown an openness to talk about that which is actually available to us and gotten only in response a demand for something not available to us,” the official said, reiterating that the Russians refused what had been offered to secure the release of Whelan.
http://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/09/polit ... index.html
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Postitusi: 19518
Liitunud: 04 Juul, 2009 12:29

Re: VF toimetab? Infokillud ja uudised, mis mujale ei sobi.

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Poola politseijaoskonna juhile saadeti granaadiheitja, mis lõhkes, kui sellega ohvitserid tutvusid. Tegu oli kingitusega, mis oli väidetavalt UKR üksuse juhilt.
В штаб-квартире польской полиции взорвался подарок, который главный комендант получил от украинских коллег, сообщило МВД страны. Что это был за подарок, не уточняется.
Причина взрыва — украинский гранатомет, пишет Wyborcza. «Он неожиданно выстрелил, пока офицеры „играли“ с оружием».
https://twitter.com/the_ins_ru/status/1 ... 7537585160
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