sells Ukrainian prisoners on the black market, – The Times.
The publication tells the story of one of our 4 thousand prisoners, who was first tortured in the "DPR", and then sold to Chechnya, where they amputated everything(!) limbs. And this is not an isolated case.
Sõjavangide kohtlemine Vene-Ukraina sõjas
Re: Sõjavangide kohtlemine Vene-Ukraina sõjas
Sõjavangid, ka vigastatuna, müügiks orkistanis.
Ainus, mida me ajaloost õpime, on see, et keegi ei õpi ajaloost midagi.
Live for nothing or die for something.
Kui esimene kuul kõrvust mõõda lendab, tuleb vastu lasta.
Live for nothing or die for something.
Kui esimene kuul kõrvust mõõda lendab, tuleb vastu lasta.
Re: Sõjavangide kohtlemine Vene-Ukraina sõjas
Sõjavangide vahetuse tulemusena õnnestus vabastada 95 ukraina võitlejat. ... 6817173999 ... 6817173999
Re: Sõjavangide kohtlemine Vene-Ukraina sõjas
UA sõjavangide peal kasutatakse süsteemselt seksuaalset vägivalda. ... in-ukraine ... n-patterns
Guardiani artikkelRussia systemically uses sexual torture on male Ukrainian prisoners, including rape, castration, rape and castration threats, electric shocks, genital beatings, repeated forced nudity, and sexualized humiliation ... in-ukraine
ÜRO aruanneThe UN commissioner for human rights has documented hundreds of cases of sexual violence perpetrated by Russian troops since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Two-thirds of the victims are men and boys who were tortured in Russian jails.
Russia deploys systematic sexual torture against Ukrainians, both civilians and prisoners of war, in “almost all” detention centres where they are held, the UN found.
That includes “rape, attempted rape, threats of rape and castration, beatings or the administration of electric shocks to genitals, repeated forced nudity and sexualised humiliation”. ... n-patterns
GENEVA / VIENNA – The Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine found new evidence showing common patterns of torture by Russian authorities against Ukrainian civilians and prisoners of war in occupied Ukrainian territories and in the Russian Federation.
The wide geographic spread of locations and the prevalence of shared patterns in the way torture is committed demonstrate that torture has been used as a common and acceptable practice with a sense of impunity, the Commission said in its latest update to the Human Rights Council today.
The Commission’s further investigation into cases of torture provides evidence that Russian authorities committed torture in the Ukrainian regions where they have taken control of territories. The new evidence reinforces the Commission’s previous finding that torture committed by Russian authorities has been widespread.
The Commission has identified additional common elements in the use of torture by Russian authorities, reinforcing its earlier finding that this was systematic. One element is the consistency of violent practices imposed in detention centres where detainees from Ukraine have been held in the Russian Federation, and the replication of these practices in several large penitentiary centres in occupied areas of Ukraine.
Another common element emerging from the evidence points towards a coordinated use of personnel from specific services of the Russian Federation involved in torture in all the detention facilities investigated by the Commission.
A further common feature is the recurrent use of sexual violence, mainly against male victims, as a form of torture in almost all of these detention centres.
Moreover, the Commission notes testimonies of former detainees about penitentiary personnel in the Russian Federation referring to orders to inflict brutal treatment. Testimonies also illustrate that in some detention facilities higher ranking Russian authorities ordered, tolerated, or took no action to stop such treatment.
A civilian man subjected to torture for ten consecutive days told the Commission: "The scariest thing was that the perpetrators were doing everything in silence, and very professionally. I understood they were doing this to many people, and they did not perceive us as human beings.”
These violations have left many of the victims with grave or irreparable physical harm and trauma. Most of them emphasised the deep psychological impact of these experiences for them and their families.
Some victims reported immense challenges in reintegrating into the society and relating to their loved ones. They invoked a need for psychological and social support for themselves and their families.
The Commission has also continued its documentation of attacks with explosive weapons affecting civilian objects in populated areas with devastating consequences. It investigated attacks that struck medical institutions, cultural objects, residential buildings, and supermarkets in territories under Ukrainian Government control.
Pursuing its investigation of Russian Federation’s large-scale waves of attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure — some of which have resulted in power outages affecting millions of civilians — the Commission has found new evidence of the impact of such attacks on the health and well-being of the population.
The blackouts have particularly affected certain categories of the population. Older persons and persons with disabilities have, for instance, suffered from difficulties to access shelters during emergencies, reduced access to life-saving medical devices, and increased isolation, which accentuated their vulnerabilities.
The power outages have also led to disruptions of online education, resulting in greater losses for displaced children and children with disabilities, who are more likely to enrol in remote education.
The Commission reiterated the importance of continuing investigations, identification of perpetrators, and accountability, as well as comprehensive support for victims. It calls upon all parties to cooperate and coordinate their efforts on these important matters.
The oral update statement as presented to the UN Human Rights Council can be found here.
The Members of the Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine are available for interviews.
Background: The UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine is an independent body mandated by the UN Human Rights Council to, among other things, investigate all alleged violations and abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law, and related crimes in the context of the aggression against Ukraine by the Russian Federation. The Commission will submit reports of its activities to the General Assembly in October 2024, and to the UN Human Rights Council in March 2025. The Commission comprises Erik Møse (Chair), Pablo de Greiff and Vrinda Grover.
Vihkad Eestit? Vali Reformierakond.
Re: Sõjavangide kohtlemine Vene-Ukraina sõjas ... jakuriteosVene paremäärmuslikku paramilitaarsesse rühmitusse Russitš kuuluv Jan Petrovski sai Soomes süüdistused viie sõjakuriteo toimepanemises Ukraina territooriumil.
Asepeaprokurör Jukka Rappe süüdistuste järgi pani Petrovski toime sõjakuriteod 2014. aasta suvel Ukraina idaosas. Süüdistused on seotud mehe tegevusega sabotaaži-rünnaku-luurerühmituses Russitš, mis on 2014. aastast alates Ukrainas võidelnud, kirjutab Yle. Prokuratuuri sõnul süüdistatakse Petrovskit ja tema üksuse liikmeid 22 Ukraina sõduri tapmises ja veel neljale raskete vigastuste tekitamises tegevusega, mis rikub rahvusvahelisi sõjapidamise reegleid. Lisaks süüdistatakse teda haavatud või hukkunud sõdurite kohtlemises viisil, mis ei vasta sõjapidamise normidele.
Yle märgib, et tegu on esimese korraga Soome ajaloos, kui riigis on esitatud süüdistus isiku vastu, kes on seotud Ukrainas toime pandud sõjakuritegudega. Soome käsitleb süüdistusi rahvusvaheliste kuritegudena. Juhtumi menetlemist juhivad kaks prokuröri, kes on spetsialiseerunud sõjakuritegude ja rahvusvaheliste kuritegude uurimisele. Helsingi ringkonnakohus peaks määrama nüüd kohtuistungi kuupäeva.
Miks Venemaa Ukrainas sõdib?
Kas Ukraina kaotab?
2015 jaanuari pealetung
Karmi käega valitsus Ukrainale?
Islamiterroristide hord tuleb?
Moskva jaoks ei võimutse separatistid mitte Donetskis ega Luganskis, vaid Kiievis.
Kas Ukraina kaotab?
2015 jaanuari pealetung
Karmi käega valitsus Ukrainale?
Islamiterroristide hord tuleb?
Moskva jaoks ei võimutse separatistid mitte Donetskis ega Luganskis, vaid Kiievis.
Re: Sõjavangide kohtlemine Vene-Ukraina sõjas
Avraam Šmulevitš Tšetšeenias asuvast ja hiljuti droonirünnaku alla jäänud erivägede instituudist: ... de-ulikoolVarem on ilmunud infot, et Putini-nimelises instituudis hoitakse Ukraina sõjavange ja Vene eriüksuslased harjutavad nendel. Vene armee on seda ka varem teinud, näiteks Tšetšeenia sõdade ajal anti Vene eriväelastele harjutamiseks vangi langenud tšetšeene. Kui nende väidete kohta saab kinnituse, siis tähendab see, et tegemist on väga tõsise sõjakuriteoga.
Oot... Täpsustage palun, mida „harjutamise“ all silmas peate?
Elusatel inimestel harjutatakse võimalikult tõepärastes tingimustes eriüksuse löökide andmist, inimeste likvideerimist ja piinamist. Põhimõtteliselt tehakse seda selleks, et värsked tulijad ületaksid tõrke, mis võib tavalisel inimesel tekkida teise inimese tapmise ja vigastamise vastu. Nad kasutavad pärisinimesi lihtsalt mannekeenidena. Seda on sõjaajaloos ka varem tehtud. Keskajal harjutasid rändrahvad näiteks saablilööke sõjavangidel ning orjadel. Selle kohta, et Vene eriüksused seda teevad, on päris palju teateid.
Miks Venemaa Ukrainas sõdib?
Kas Ukraina kaotab?
2015 jaanuari pealetung
Karmi käega valitsus Ukrainale?
Islamiterroristide hord tuleb?
Moskva jaoks ei võimutse separatistid mitte Donetskis ega Luganskis, vaid Kiievis.
Kas Ukraina kaotab?
2015 jaanuari pealetung
Karmi käega valitsus Ukrainale?
Islamiterroristide hord tuleb?
Moskva jaoks ei võimutse separatistid mitte Donetskis ega Luganskis, vaid Kiievis.
Re: Sõjavangide kohtlemine Vene-Ukraina sõjas
Ukraina merejalaväelase mälestused sõjavangistusest
ХОТІВ УБИТИ СВОГО КАТА: як морпіх Владислав Задорін вижив у російському полоні
ХОТІВ УБИТИ СВОГО КАТА: як морпіх Владислав Задорін вижив у російському полоні
Re: Sõjavangide kohtlemine Vene-Ukraina sõjas
Mariupoli Azovstali kaitsel osalenud ja septembris 2024 vangide vabastamisega vabaks saanud Azovi üksuse võitleja mälestused linna kaitsmisest ja vangistusest. Video allpool oleval lingil.
VIDEO ka tõlkega September 2024, Mariupol defender Valery Horishniy, known as "Yarylo," was exchanged among 15 Azov soldiers who were returned home.
He had endured torture in the Donetsk torture chamber known as "Isolation," experiencing horrors difficult to imagine.
"To be honest, we didn’t think much about being taken prisoner. We were more inclined to think we’d just die there."
"Some commanders wanted permission from Redis to leave Azovstal on their own. Redis forbade it, saying that the priority was to preserve lives and help the wounded."
"Azovstal was a nightmare. There were so many critically wounded. Redis risked his life repeatedly, coming to check on us, even though we were under constant bombardment—artillery, airstrikes, everything."
"Redis personally went to negotiate with the Russians. Some criticized him, saying he might be killed during the negotiations. But he deserves enormous respect for going to those talks himself."
"They once asked, ‘Don’t you need to pee?’ I said no. I’d heard they’d shock people with tasers on their genitals if they asked to use the toilet."
"Before leaving Olenivka, they searched us. I kept a diary and wrote notes in English, partly for practice and partly so they wouldn’t understand. I hid the notes in my seams...
...They threatened that if they found anything, it’d be worse for me. I started taking things out, but forgot some. One inspector found a note and began yelling, looking for someone to translate. They said I was being sent somewhere else."
"They put us in a van and sent us to the Donetsk pre-trial detention center. I learned I was in isolation—a notorious torture prison in Donetsk."
"At first, they suffocated me with a bag, used a taser on my genitals, beat me with low kicks. They tortured me for a long time, then one of them said, ‘Let’s shoot him.’ Another said, ‘Let’s hang him,’ and I thought, finally."
"The cell was one and a half meters square. I thought I had claustrophobia, but it passed quickly. There was nothing in the cell except a bottle of water and a bucket. There was also a camera I had to look into to show I was awake. Sleeping was forbidden."
"I spent almost a week like that. Each day, they gave us a loaf of bread and water, and emptied the bucket once a day."
"When they brought me into this garage, they said, ‘You’ve ended up in hell.’ There was a song playing loudly—a strange cover of a Pugacheva song. I realized they played loud music to drown out screams."
"They asked about my tattoos, then other nonsense. I had boxing gloves tattooed on my arm. ‘Are you a boxer?’ they asked. I said I did Thai boxing, and immediately they started beating me with low kicks."
"In the cell, I saw scratch marks on one wall counting 30 days and on another, 50. I was terrified I’d end up spending 50 days there. I closed my eyes, trying to focus on my memories, songs, and books I knew."
"Someone had scratched on the wall, ‘Everything passes, and this will too.’ I thought I had to grit my teeth and endure."
"...In isolation, they beat me and questioned me, like always. He asked, 'So, is Redis really a great commander?' Then he asked how old he is, and stuff like that. Finally, he says, 'So Redis is really cool, huh?' I was unsure how to answer—if I agreed, they...
...might beat me but I thought, whatever, and said, 'Yeah.' I was surprised by his reaction, apprarently they really thought Redis is a cool guy."
"When I closed my eyes, I saw Ivan Franko’s poem, ‘The Eternal Revolutionary.’ For some reason, it often came to mind.
"In Horlivka, journalists from a Russian channel interviewed us. They asked what rituals we did at Azovstal, whether we sacrificed cats, dogs, or people. They wanted me to play along. I laughed at the question, but the interviewer seemed very nervous...
They didn’t touch me after that. After the cameras turned off, that propagandist told me, ‘I’m an expert in information warfare. You’re brainwashed.’"
"When you see these people in those prisons, you realize that it’s exactly against them that you’re defending Ukrainian children and women."
"There were times when they treated us decently. We had a TV in the cell, could exercise a bit. Some guards in Donetsk referred to the Russian FSB agents as ‘katsaps.’ Once, during a transfer, they bought us some 'Jack' chocolate wafers."
"Chimik [Davyd Kasatkin] didn’t want to sign a document, so they beat him badly. The guards couldn’t understand how an officer could have tattoos—it was incomprehensible to them."
[Chimik was exchanged in September 2022]
"At one point, they put an African American guy in my cell. We got along well; we had similar views. He had attended pro-Ukrainian rallies at the start of the occupation in Kherson. They arrested and tortured him for that. He spent 50 days in isolation."
"They released him in November 2022. I thought they would deport him right away, but he ended up spending another six months in Donetsk because he had no money...
...somehow, he managed to convert his cryptocurrency into rubles, and then they finally deported him in an organized way."
"Before leaving, he gave me his slightly worn Asics sneakers and a Columbia hat. Over about two and a half years, I wrote around 40 poems. I hid them carefully in the tongue of the sneakers, making a small cut...
...But later they took the sneakers away and gave me some rubber slippers."
"We [with other POWs] tried to develop ourselves in any way we could. We shared stories about movies, books, taught each other languages. I knew English, one guy knew Polish. I explained the movie Home Alone in English; another guy recounted Game of Thrones in Polish."
"I knew I’d make it out. I didn’t ‘believe’ in the sense of believing in Santa Claus. I just knew, even though I also knew it wouldn’t be easy."
[Yarulo is playing his own song]
VIDEO ka tõlkega
Ainus, mida me ajaloost õpime, on see, et keegi ei õpi ajaloost midagi.
Live for nothing or die for something.
Kui esimene kuul kõrvust mõõda lendab, tuleb vastu lasta.
Live for nothing or die for something.
Kui esimene kuul kõrvust mõõda lendab, tuleb vastu lasta.
Re: Sõjavangide kohtlemine Vene-Ukraina sõjas
Kurat küll millal ukrainlased saavad aru, et pole mingeid leppeid kui orcidele alla anda!
Re: Sõjavangide kohtlemine Vene-Ukraina sõjas
Pokrovski piirkonnas hukati 5 UA sõdurit peale vangi langemist.
Vihkad Eestit? Vali Reformierakond.
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