REAALSUS: COVID-19 pandeemia II seeria

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Postitusi: 36565
Liitunud: 10 Aug, 2010 18:55
Asukoht: Viljandimaa

Re: REAALSUS: COVID-19 pandeemia II seeria

Postitus Postitas Kriku »

Praeguse olukorra kohta Kalifornias:
As California settles into a third year of pandemic, covid-19 continues to pose a serious threat of death. But the number of people dying — and the demographics of those falling victim — has shifted notably from the first two years.

Given the collective immunity people have garnered through a combination of mass vaccination and protections built from earlier infections, Californians overall were far less likely to die from covid in 2022, when the omicron variant dominated, than during the first two years of the pandemic, when other variants were largely at play, amplifying a national trend.

Still, each week, the virus is killing hundreds of Californians, hitting hardest among the unvaccinated. The virus remained among the state's leading causes of death in July, trailing heart disease, cancer, stroke, and Alzheimer's disease but outpacing diabetes, accidental death, and a host of other debilitating diseases. In the first seven months of the year, about 13,500 California residents died of covid, according to preliminary death certificate data from the state Department of Public Health. By comparison, the virus killed about 31,400 people in 2020 and almost 44,000 in 2021.

From April 2020 through December 2021, covid killed an average of 3,600 people a month, making it the third-leading cause of death in the state cumulatively for that time period, behind heart disease and cancer. From December 2020 through February 2021, it briefly overtook heart disease as the leading cause of death, taking the lives of more than 38,300 Californians in just three months. During its most recent peak, in January 2022, covid took about 5,900 lives.

Covid fell out of the top 10 causes of death for a brief period in the spring only to reenter this summer as the omicron variant continued to mutate. In July, even with more than 70% of Californians fully vaccinated, covid was the fifth-leading cause of death, cutting short more than 1,000 lives, state data show.

Clearly vaccinations made a difference. Covid death rates fell in recent months as covid shots and prior infections afforded much of the population significant protection against severe illness, said Dr. Timothy Brewer, a professor of medicine and epidemiology at UCLA. Brewer said the omicron variant, while more transmissible than earlier strains, appears to be a milder version of the virus. Research into that question is ongoing, but preliminary data suggests omicron is less likely to cause serious disease and death, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which also notes that the severity of symptoms can be affected by vaccination status, age, and other health conditions.

The decline in deaths was particularly striking among California's Latino population. In 2020 and 2021, Latino residents accounted for 47% of covid deaths in California — about 35,400 deaths — although they make up 40% of the state's population. By comparison, Latinos accounted for 34% of covid deaths from January through July 2022, according to state data. That translates to about 4,600 deaths. ... ID=4682126
Turist 47
Postitusi: 4363
Liitunud: 08 Nov, 2014 18:30

Re: REAALSUS: COVID-19 pandeemia II seeria

Postitus Postitas Turist 47 »

Saksamaa elanikud peavad alates laupäevast, o1.10.22 - 7.aprillini, harjuma uute reeglitega. ... a-63305695
Riiklikud nõuded
+ FFP2 maskid kohustuslikud üleriigiliselt pikamaareisidel, lennukitel.
+ Haiglate ja hooldekodude külastajad peavad kandma maske, + 24 tunni negatiivne COVID-19 test.

Teised piirangud – näiteks tänavakaubandus, lühimaa ühistransport ja teised ettevõtmised on osariikide valitsuste otsustada.
(Maskide kasutusele võtmine, söögikohtade, kaupluste, puhkekohtade piirangud on juba regiooniti arutamisel .. Märkimisväärne osa sakslastest juba maskitavad.)

Terviseminister rõhutas konkreetselt, et valitsuskabinet oli kokku leppinud, et ta ei plaani ei järjekordset üldist riiklikku sulgemist ega koolide sulgemist
Postitusi: 3539
Liitunud: 09 Dets, 2018 20:26

Re: REAALSUS: COVID-19 pandeemia II seeria

Postitus Postitas AMvA »

Nii, nüüd ka uue mitmevalentse COVID vaktsiiniga suts tehtud. Kõrvalnähud puuduvad, kui süstimiskoha valulikkus välja arvata.
Postitusi: 199
Liitunud: 19 Juun, 2022 12:46

Re: REAALSUS: COVID-19 pandeemia II seeria

Postitus Postitas kaupo51 »

Oktoobri keskpaik 2022 Madrid. Mõned lennufirmad nõuavad maske. Näiteks Iberia lennuemandatel oli FFP 2 maskid ees ja reisijatelt nõuti maski kandmist. Reaalselt mõni oli korralikum, mõnel nina väljas. Söömise ajal oli mask muidugi eest ära. Madridi ühistranspordis nõuti maski, mujal mitte. Mõned üksikud siiski kandsid ka tänaval ja kaupluses maske. Aga üldiselt mingit maskipaanikat ei olnud, õhtul Madridi tänavatel elu kees.
Postitusi: 6381
Liitunud: 16 Mär, 2018 11:29

Re: REAALSUS: COVID-19 pandeemia II seeria

Postitus Postitas hjl85 »

Hea, et meil enam seda maski jura ei ole ega tule ka. Rääkimata sulgemistest.
Tegin neljanda systi ja päev oli kehv olla. Esimest korda sain ka pfizeritp
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 36565
Liitunud: 10 Aug, 2010 18:55
Asukoht: Viljandimaa

Re: REAALSUS: COVID-19 pandeemia II seeria

Postitus Postitas Kriku »

hjl85 kirjutas: 16 Okt, 2022 23:36Hea, et meil enam seda maski jura ei ole ega tule ka. Rääkimata sulgemistest.
Rõõmustada võiks ikka selle üle, et vaid alla 10 inimese intensiivis on...

Pikaajalistest tüsistustest:
Pell and colleagues are doing a study of long COVID in Scotland, called the Long-CISS (COVID in Scotland Study). In this analysis, she and colleagues looked at 33,281 people with laboratory-confirmed infections and 62,957 never-infected people who answered questionnaires at 6, 12, and 18 months during the pandemic, as well as hospitalization and death records.

Among 31,486 people with symptomatic infections, 1,856 (or 6%) hadn't recovered at all in their most recent follow-up survey. Another 13,350 people (or 42%) had only recovered partially.
A previous symptomatic infection was also linked to poorer quality of life, trouble with daily activities, and 24 persistent symptoms. Those with symptomatic infections were 3.4 times as likely to have breathlessness, 2.9 times as likely to have confusion or brain fog, 2.5 times as likely to have heart palpitations, and 2 times as likely to have chest pain.

At the same time, people with asymptomatic infections were less likely to have long-term issues, and asymptomatic infection wasn't linked to any adverse outcomes. Vaccination also appeared to offer some protection from long COVID and was linked to a lower risk of seven symptoms. ... ID=4758666
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Postitusi: 19502
Liitunud: 04 Juul, 2009 12:29

Re: REAALSUS: COVID-19 pandeemia II seeria

Postitus Postitas ruger »

Singapuris kasvas uue COVID tüve levikuga nakatunute hulk 1 nädalaga 35%
Singapore reports nearly 12,000 new coronavirus cases as surge driven by XBB variant continues; number in hospital reaches 661, up 35% from last week
Ainus, mida me ajaloost õpime, on see, et keegi ei õpi ajaloost midagi.
Live for nothing or die for something.
Kui esimene kuul kõrvust mõõda lendab, tuleb vastu lasta.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 36565
Liitunud: 10 Aug, 2010 18:55
Asukoht: Viljandimaa

Re: REAALSUS: COVID-19 pandeemia II seeria

Postitus Postitas Kriku »

The subvariant was first detected in August in India and has since been sequenced in more than 17 countries, including Bangladesh, Japan, and Singapore, where it has caused cases to spike at an alarming rate.

“XBB is now the predominant subvariant circulating in the community, accounting for 54% of local cases,” up from 22% the previous week, according to a bulletin from the Singapore Ministry of Health.

The subvariant has overtaken BA.5, which is estimated to account for 21% of cases in the country — with many of the new cases being reinfections.

“It will be their second biggest wave after BA.2 — even bigger than BA.5,” said Eric Topol, executive vice president of Scripps Research in San Diego.

But he added that Singapore’s 79% booster uptake rate and strict virus mitigation measures appear to be blunting the impact of the new strain when it comes to the worst outcomes of the disease.

“The number of people dying or in the ICU is really low,” he said. “Their protection level is really solid.”
“XBB is a chimera,” Natalie Thornburg, the CDC’s lead respiratory virus immunology specialist, said during a webinar this week. “I think there have been a couple of sequences identified in the United States. But it’s way, way, way, way below that 1% threshold. I mean, it’s really like a handful of sequences.”

Topol said he is more concerned about the omicron coronavirus variant BQ.1 and its sibling BQ.1.1, which could drive another winter surge in the U.S. and could knock the BA.5 variant out of its dominant spot — especially with sluggish booster uptake.

“We’ve got another bad variant and we don’t have enough people protected,” Topol said. “We’re booster-vaccine deficient and we’re not in a good place to deal with a very tough variant like BQ.1.” ... 517688.php
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 19502
Liitunud: 04 Juul, 2009 12:29

Re: REAALSUS: COVID-19 pandeemia II seeria

Postitus Postitas ruger »

Uued tüved tekitamas lähinädalatel COVID-i nakatumise kasvu
BQ1 and BQ1.1, which have an increased ability to evade COVID immunity, are expected to cause a new surge in Europe in the coming weeks, CDC warns
Ainus, mida me ajaloost õpime, on see, et keegi ei õpi ajaloost midagi.
Live for nothing or die for something.
Kui esimene kuul kõrvust mõõda lendab, tuleb vastu lasta.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 36565
Liitunud: 10 Aug, 2010 18:55
Asukoht: Viljandimaa

Re: REAALSUS: COVID-19 pandeemia II seeria

Postitus Postitas Kriku »

Vastab dr. Pille Märtin:
Koroonaviirus on jälle uudistes ja pealkirjades ärevust tekitamas. Kus me ise inimestena ja teie arstina praegu seisame? Mida me teame sellest haigusest, milleks me valmis oleme? Mille poolest me targemad oleme?

Me oleme kindlasti väga palju targemad selles osas, kuidas see konkreetne viirus käitub ja mida ta teeb inimesega ja mida inimene viirusega teeb. Millest me ikka veel midagi väga palju ei tea, on see, kuidas viirus siiski oma arengus käitub. Mäletame eelmise aasta sügist, kui meil tormas delta ukse vahelt sisse ja hoobilt olid kõik uksed kinni, üritused lõpetatud, haiglad uppusid haigetesse. Tänasel päeval me näeme seda, et viimane variant viirusest on pisut leebema käitumisega ja tal on vastas ka juba inimesed, kes on vaktsineeritud või kohtunud selle viirusega – kas siis delta-variandiga või selle päris esimese variandiga. Seega on meil kõigil tekkinud mingisugunegi immuunmälu ja immuunmälu oskab juba toimetada selle viirusega. Seetõttu oleme ka juba väga palju paremas positsioonis.

Küll aga me ei tea, mida see viiruse areng endast kujutab, mis tast edasi saab. Praegu tundub, et meil on siin omikron koos oma lapslaste ja nende lastega – nagu üks suur armas pere, ja me oskame enam-vähem ennustada, mismoodi nad käituvad. A la et kui ema ja isa on sellised, siis lapsed on sellised ja lapselapsed on ka üsna samasugused. Ehk et see viirusepere ei vii inimesi intensiivravisse hapnikuaparaatide alla.

Kuidas me uueks koroonalaineks valmis oleme?

Me oskame käsi pesta. Me teame, et tõbisena tuleb püsida enam-vähem kodus, mitte mööda ilma ringi joosta. Me oskame kasutada maske, kuigi see ei pruugi kõikidele meeldida, aga me teeme seda iseenda hüvanguks ja kaitseks. Ja teiste kaitseks ka muidugi.

Meil on olemas vaktsiinid, mida nüüd on juba väga suurte hulkade peal kasutatud, testitud ja mille toime on igati tõhus. Niisiis pole siin kokkuvõttes põhjust hirmu tunda. Kuid me peame olema valmis selleks, et see viirus teeb siiski inimesi haigeks ja viib ka haiglasse. Tõsi, mitte nii suurel määral kui seda tegid eelmine ja üle-eelmine laine, kuid ta siiski teeb seda.

Millises suunas on tüsistused arenenud?

Senised tühistused – hingamiseks vajav jõud saab otsa, hapnik ei käi läbi, lisaks bakteripõletikud ja kopsupõletik – on tehniliselt võttes alles, aga me ei näe neid enam nii palju. Ja ka eelmised põdejad on oma nii-öelda taastumisega alles poolel teel. ... immuunmalu
Postitusi: 1089
Liitunud: 28 Sept, 2006 21:59

Re: REAALSUS: COVID-19 pandeemia II seeria

Postitus Postitas richard »

Saksa ja USA teadlaste meeskond tekitab nüüd segadust uue analüüsiga. Nad väidavad, et avastasid viiruse genoomist geneetilise manipuleerimise "sõrmejälje". Teadlaste tulemused näitavad, et see viirus on 99,9 protsenti loodusliku viiruse kunstlik, tõenäoliselt manipuleeritud koopia.

Uuringu esialgne väljaanne asub siin: ... 1.full.pdf

Tänane saksakeelne uudis: ... term=ntvde
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 19502
Liitunud: 04 Juul, 2009 12:29

Re: REAALSUS: COVID-19 pandeemia II seeria

Postitus Postitas ruger »

WHO tunnistab, et mida rohkem isik nakatub COVID-isse, seda tõenäolisemalt on tulemuseks long COVID.
A World Health Organization official said on Monday that the more times a person becomes infected with COVID-19, the more likely the person is to be "unlucky" and contract long-term health effects from the coronavirus.

"The more times you get it, the more likely you are to be unlucky and end up with long COVID — which is the thing that none of us want because it can be so serious," David Nabarro, a WHO special envoy for COVID-19, told Sky News.

He continued: "It can knock people off their stride for several months."

Long COVID happens when someone with COVID-19 develops symptoms that linger for an extended period, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC says symptoms could last weeks or months, and even go and come back. ... vid-2022-6 ... 0323321857
Ainus, mida me ajaloost õpime, on see, et keegi ei õpi ajaloost midagi.
Live for nothing or die for something.
Kui esimene kuul kõrvust mõõda lendab, tuleb vastu lasta.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 19502
Liitunud: 04 Juul, 2009 12:29

Re: REAALSUS: COVID-19 pandeemia II seeria

Postitus Postitas ruger »

USA-s on uute vaktsineerimise eest pääsevate viirusetüvedesse nakatumiste hulk kasvanud ca 2x 10 päevaga.
Just learned bad #COVID news from my source. The less bad news first:📌the most evasive #XBB recombination escape variant to date, albeit <1%, but no longer 0%. 📌Worse: very evasive #BQ variants now spiked to 27%—w/ 42% in NY/NJ where 🏥 surging. Doubling time—10 days!🧵
the data will be released by the CDC mid day tomorrow (Friday). The #BQ11 & #BQ1 variants were just 11% two weeks ago, and 16.6% last week. This week—27% nationwide!! That’s a huge surge. The 27% will be reported tomorrow. But this is a meteoric rise! ... 7574823936
But #BQ1 & #BQ11 are totally resistant to major MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY DRUGS— they effectively “escapes Evusheld and Bebtelovimab” says @yunlong_cao in his study. Basically MAB drugs are useless now against these two new BQ variants. ... 9584874496
Ainus, mida me ajaloost õpime, on see, et keegi ei õpi ajaloost midagi.
Live for nothing or die for something.
Kui esimene kuul kõrvust mõõda lendab, tuleb vastu lasta.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 36565
Liitunud: 10 Aug, 2010 18:55
Asukoht: Viljandimaa

Re: REAALSUS: COVID-19 pandeemia II seeria

Postitus Postitas Kriku »

Järjekordne uuring näitab, et ivermektiin koroona vastu ei aita:
A total of 1591 individuals — median age 47, 60% female — with confirmed symptomatic COVID-19 were randomized from June 2021 to February 2022. About half had been vaccinated. The primary outcome was straightforward: time to clinical recovery. Did ivermectin make people get better, faster?

It did not. The time to recovery, defined as having three symptom-free days, was 12 days in the ivermectin group and 13 days in the placebo group — that's within the margin of error. But overall, everyone in the trial did fairly well. Serious outcomes, like death, hospitalization, urgent care, or ER visits, occurred in 32 people in the ivermectin group and 28 in the placebo group. Death itself was rare — just one occurred in the trial, in someone receiving ivermectin. ... ID=4801391
Postitusi: 6381
Liitunud: 16 Mär, 2018 11:29

Re: REAALSUS: COVID-19 pandeemia II seeria

Postitus Postitas hjl85 » ... 022-10-28/

Itaalia lõpetab med töötajate nõude vaktsineerida ning 50+isikute trahvimise kui nad end ei vaktsineeri

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